About me

About Judy

Judy Pawlick, RYT 500, is a Yoga Alliance Certified Kripalu Yoga & Meditation teacher who leads transformative, empowering and inspiring classes, workshops and trainings. She is known for her compassionate personality and genuine interest in helping others learn about the many benefits of yoga and mindful living.  She believes moving, breathing and exploring your inner landscape cultivates strength, flexibility, resilience and vitality in the mind, body and soul, and leads to discovering and uncovering the best version of yourself.

Early on, Judy participated in yoga classes as often as possible during the amazing and challenging years of raising three beautiful boys while working part time as a Speech Language Pathologist. She recognized right away the benefits of yoga both on and off the mat.  Later, with an almost empty nest and aging parents she took on the role of caretaker for both her mother, with Parkinson’s disease and her father as he battled cancer. Again, yoga was there to help her navigate life’s ever-changing circumstances.  Curious and eager to learn more, Judy was drawn to experience and complete numerous yoga teacher trainings, workshops and online courses.
“Everything I learned and continue to learn resonates deeply within me.  I feel more connected, centered and balanced when I implement and cultivate yoga into my life. For me, it is a new level of awareness full of compassion, acceptance, vitality and simplicity.  This is what I want to share with others! In the words of Maya Angelou, “If you get, give.  If you learn, teach.”

Judy views yoga as beneficial to all and should be accessible to all. She has taught to many, including athletes, senior citizens, people in recovery, children, adults, friends & neighbors. She is presently offering live Intermediate Vinyasa and Gentle Yoga classes Wednesdays and Saturdays at the Saratoga Spa State Park in Saratoga Springs, NY. All are welcome! See the schedule on “Classes” page.

As a lifelong student, always willing and open to learn more, Judy is very grateful to the wonderful teachers she has been fortunate to work with, gaining invaluable knowledge, inspiration and wisdom… a few to mention are Seane Corn, Desiree Rumbaugh, Jonathan Foust, Yoganand Michael Carroll, Larissa Carlson, Dr. John Douillard, Coby Kozlowski, Michelle Dalbec, Tommy Rosen, Rolf Gates & Nikki Meyers.

Judy is also available for private yoga sessions, group classes, workshops, trainings, and events.  She will work with you to develop a program or practice that best fits your needs. Topics include Yoga, Pranayama (breath work), Meditation & Mindfulness, Pain Management, Ayurveda (the sister science of Yoga) and over all support for optimal Healthy Living.

“Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.”
– The Bhagavad Gita